Wednesday, September 24, 2008


Were your kids there this morning? This is the first year we knew about SYATP. Kristopher and Nicholas were excited to be there. In case you don't know, that is See you at the pole. Students all over the country gathered at their school's flagpole to pray. Our church had a SYATP rally the Sunday night before and over 700 youth and parents participated. They boys were psyched about it.

The excerpt below is taken from Wikepedia.

See You at the Pole (SYATP) is an annual gathering of Christian students of all ages at a flagpole in front of their local school for prayer, scripture-reading and hymn-singing, during an early morning hour preceding the start of the school day. The American SYATP events occur on every fourth Wednesday of September[1]. This annual gathering began in Burleson, Texas, in 1990, as a response to a Disciple Now weekend with a handful of Christian students. It has grown by word of mouth, announcements at youth rallies and churches, and the Internet; SYATP meetings now occur internationally.

In 2005, over 2 million students in the US participated, as well as students in Democratic Republic of Congo, Ecuador, Germany, Ghana, Guam, Hong Kong, Japan, Kenya, South Korea, Malaysia, Nigeria, Norway, Peru, Portugal, Scotland, and South Africa.[2]

Tuesday, September 23, 2008

We thought Grace had Strange Eating Habits

Kristopher definitely has Grace beat. Kristopher's sandwich of choice is pepperoni with Texas Pete on it. He enjoys his french fries with vinegar on them. He wants me to find little packets of vinegar for him to take to school and a little jar of Texas Pete.

I Survived

For the past few months we have been looking for an inexpensive old car on Craigslist. Last week we found a 1998 Ford Contour with 106,000 miles for very cheap. Thank goodness, the mechanic said it was in great condition and that we got a good deal.

Kristopher could now have his driver's license but we haven't given him many opportunities to drive. Dallas nor I were comfortable letting him drive our cars. Dallas did take him out a few times in the van but it is rather big for Kristopher.

So yesterday, now that we have the car I decided to let Kristopher drive Grace, Nicholas and me to the library. It is about a 20 minute drive through town. The whole ride I was gripping my door handle and my feet were pushed to the floor board. Kristopher actually did pretty well. It was me who couldn't take the pressure. I realized I was over my head and wanted to stop the ride almost immediately. I held my tongue(Kristopher would disagree)as much as I could. When we arrived at the library I could not refrain from sighing with relief. We made it in all in one piece. I learned a valuable lesson...I would not be riding with Kristopher until he had a lot more practice. That will be Dallas' job.

Can you believe Kristopher had the nerve to say that I made him nervous?

Monday, September 22, 2008

Happy Birthday, Dallas!

Yesterday was Dallas' birthday. I meant to create a post last night and forgot. We spent the day in Greenville with Dallas' sister. We went to our favorite restaurant, Chico's and then went to see the house Dee is building. What a busy day!

Thursday, September 18, 2008

Happy Birthday, Debi! And I'm Back.

Happy Birthday to my Sister!
It has been so long since I posted. Here is a run down of some of the events that have happened in the last week and a half.

Grace needs hearing aids for high frequency hearing lost. She has been fitted and should get them by the end of October. She will get 30 minutes, 2 times a week speech from Wake County School System. She did not qualify for developmental services.

Julia will now get special help from the special ed. teacher 3 times a week for 45 minutes, 30 minutes a week with the speech/language pathologist for language not speech, and is being further evaluated by the occupational therapist. She appears to have problems with fine motor skills.

Kristopher is driving me crazy. To be such a good kid he drives me up a wall. His interim was horrible. Need I say more. Not due to bad test scores, simply forgetting to turn in papers and complete homework. We have had this problem since 6th grade. The sad thing is he is extremely intelligent and in all Honors classes. It just isn't important enough to him. He will not be having much fun the rest of the grading period. All his video systems have a new home in my closet. His computer will be getting a new home this weekend.

Not much going on with Zachary and Nicholas. They are both busy with baseball now. They each have games 2 nights a week and practice one weekend day. Keeps us on the run.

Grace and I made a weekend trip to Florida. Nothing much has changed there. It was great to see a few of my friends.

Until next time.....

Monday, September 8, 2008

Conversation with Julia

Julia:I don't have to go to school tomorrow?

Me: Yes, you have school tomorrow. You go to school everyday now.

Julia: Why do I have to go to school?

Me: You are a big girl now. Big girls go to school everyday.

Julia: I could be an alligator.

Later in the night...

Julia: When I grow up I want to be an alligator like Alexa.

Tuesday, September 2, 2008

Julia's First Day of School

Before we left home

getting on the bus

safely home