Wednesday, May 29, 2013

Four Days Home

The boys are doing well considering the circumstances. Their whole world has changed. They do not like change!

Sleeping went better last night. Thinking tonight may be the night they sleep past 4:00 am. Today we were able to get them on a more normal schedule.

Eating is also improving. They do not like new foods. Have been successful with eggs, chicken nuggets, French fries, and noodles. Not a healthy diet but they are eating.

They are still crying a lot but we see glimpses of their real personalities. Even though they are 3.4 years old they are quite babyish. I would say they are more like a young 2 year old. This could be due to orphanage life or their special need.

I think it is just going to take the boys longer to accept their new home and family. They were well cared for by Show Hope at their orphanage. Their loss is great.

Sad tonight. My daughters took a photo of the boys to school while we were in China. My daughter, home from China since 2007, told us tonight that her friend told her that her other friends said the boys were creepy. Sorry my daughter has to deal with this and sad that anyone(even kids) would think our boys were any less than perfect. I know my skin needs to thicken because there will most likely be many negative comments in the years to come.

Huge Thank You to my Sister and Zachary

Just wanted to thank Zachary and my sister, Debi. Without them I wouldn't have been able to bring the boys home with Dallas staying at home. Both helped in so many ways, emotionally and physically. I can never thank either of them enough. Their help was invaluable! Adoption can be tough and our week in province was difficult. They were both real troopers! Thank you, Debi and Zachary!

Monday, May 27, 2013

Twenty Three Years

May 26, 2013

Dallas and I were married 23 years ago in Richmond, Va. What a wild ride! Who would have guessed that 23 years later we would have 8 kids. Thankful for everyday The Lord has given us together! Dallas and I know what it means to be blessed! Of course we have ups and downs, who doesn't? We just try to focus on the good and be thankful for all that God has done in our lives. God is good, all the time!!

Photo: Our family 23 years later

In Route to San Francisco- May 25

We are about 4 hours into our journey home. Surprisingly the boys have done really well. I may or may not have given them Benedryl. Jacob is fast asleep and Caleb is eating again.

We got off to a late start so we are about an hour behind schedule. That's okay because we have a 6 hour layover in SFO.

We landed in SFO and went through customs and immigration. Only a minor incidence when an officer tried to tell me I needed to apply for a Green Card for both of them. The boys were American citizens when we landed on US soil so I knew he was wrong. Went to officer that processed adoptions, took about 10 minutes and we were on our way.

Ate lunch, hung around the airport for several hours, and the boys played on a little playground.

We went to board our plane to RDU and Jacob lost it. No Benadryl left. I knew the only way to calm him down was to get him settled on the plane. One of the ladies with United told me I needed to calm him down that he was disturbing all the other people. I told her needed to get settled on the plane. She said I needed to give him candy and walk around with him. Wish at that point I would have asked her if she had children. I tried explaining to her that we had been traveling for 24 hours and he was exhausted. Didn't work she just kept on and then went off in a huff saying if he didn't stop she was taking us off the plane. By this time I was in tears and begging God to help me calm him down on the plane. Thank goodness he stopped crying and fell asleep for takeoff. Caleb and him took turns crying the whole way home. Zachary and I often stood taking turns rocking them. Felt like everyone was starring at us and judging us. Many had heard the exchange with the United worker. Not even one person on the plane had a kind word to say. It was the longest 4 1/2 hours of my life but we survived.

We landed at RDU about 11:30 pm. So happy to see Dallas and the kids. They had banners, balloons, and flowers. Of course I was in tears, the last leg of the journey had gotten to me.

Photos: Hong Kong airport and new American citizens

Friday, May 24, 2013

May 24- leaving Guangzhou, Arriving in Hong Kong

Today after breakfast we decided to go to the Pedestrian street one more time. We got a cab at the hotel.

It was nice wondering around at our own pace. I got 13 shirts/ dresses for the girls for $40.00. They are going to love them! I wish I could have bought more.

After a taxi ride home we walked to Aeon one last time. I found some Pleasant goodies for Alyssa and the cool noodle spoons for our family. The were only .50 each.

Debi and Zachary found a noodle place on the 6th floor so the got noodles to take back to the room for dinner. They were very good!

It's now about 5:30 pm. We are on our way! Leaving Elvin was bittersweet. He is such a nice facilitator. We will miss seeing him again. He makes the stay in Guangzhou easier.

At this moment we are in a van to Hong Kong. Caleb is sleeping and Jacob is scribbling. Really hoping he doesn't get ink on these nice leather seats.

We are traveling at a speed of 140 km. I don't know how fast that is but it feels fast. I wider why there are 6 TVs in the van and the only one on is in front of the driver. Not complaining, at least he stopped texting. Take that back he is still texting, talk texting, and calling people.

Last time we took the van to Hong Kong we didn't have to get out at the China border. I was so concerned because I let our agency make the arrangements this time. We did have to get out but it was no big deal. Jacob would tell you a different story. He screamed the whole time.

We are now at the Marriott Sky City in Hong Kong. One step closer to home..

Shopping Trip with Ann

This is an example of what you can find while shopping with Ann of Red Threads.

There are 4 boys and 5 girls Chinese outfits, 5 change purses, 4 utensil sets, and 1 pair of colorful earrings. My total was under 35.00. The outfits were $2.50 a piece, the change purses 3 for $1.00, utensil set $1.50 each, and the earrings $1.50.

You do have to pay Ann $10.00 per hour. It is fun even if the deals aren't quite as good once you pay Ann.

My sister was able to get a 24 inch string of multicolor pearls, a bracelet, and earrings for $64.00. We also got some jade pendants for $7.00- 8.00 each.

May 23- Consulate Appointment

Bright and early this morning was our consulate appointment. I always feel a little emotional when taking the oath for our new child/children. It is official in US and China's eyes that they are our boys. When we land in San Francisco they will become US citizens.

We returned to the room and let the boys rest for a couple of hours. We are at the point where everyone is just tired-tired of the heat, tired of walking, tired of the food, tired of hotel life, etc.

We tried to take some photos around the Garden Hotel. We weren't able to get any really good ones because the boys didn't want to get out of their strollers.

After the boys woke we decided to take Debi to the Friendship store across the street. Lots of expensive stores to wonder through. Bought a couple of things at the supermarket and went looking for noodles.

Unsuccessful at noodle search so we had McDonalds delivery. Hand delivered by Debi and Zachary. Not Chinese but delicious.

It has been two weeks since leaving the States. I love China but I think we are all over it. It is time to go home!!

Boys are doing better. They don't like cars, taxis, or change. They are attached to their strollers and fuss if they have to get out of them and we aren't in the room. They are eating good and slowly getting use to these strange people taking care of them. It is a process!

While looking for a noodle place we found a little bit of home in one of the shops. Go Wolfpack!

Wednesday, May 22, 2013

Wednesday, May 22

Happy Birthday, Mom! You are missed today and every day.

Today is kind of a down day. We walked to Aeon(spelled wrong on previous post). It is an easy walk. We thought it was more expensive than Walmart/Trustmart but it seems to be about the same. We wondered around looking at all the different foods and sneaking pictures.

We have to be in our room from 1:00- 2:00 today. If the TB test comes back positive we will get a phone call during this time. Otherwise all is okay and we can do what we want.

No phone call so we are good to go. We had a 2:30 appointment to shopping with Ann of Red Threads. This is always an adventure.

We went to the silk, jade, and pearl market. We were able to find lots of deals. Four hours later we were done and back at the hotel.

We all wanted Mexican food for dinner. Time for Tekila's. Good Mexican for a decent price.

Chicken feet anyone?

Tuesday, May 21, 2013

Tuesday, May 21

Another busy day in China. We took the boys down to breakfast in their strollers so we were able to finally enjoy breakfast. My waffle with peanut butter syrup as never tasted so good.

At 9:30 we were off to the temple with the other family and Elvin. We had not been to this temple before . It was very interesting until Caleb became very unhappy. I think the combination of a very raw bottom and the heat was getting to him.

Next stop was Pediastrian Street. Love this area. Lots of stores and people. The roads are closed to cars. We bought the boys a couple of shirts.

We were then dropped off at Shamian Island. I love visiting the island. So many memories. We ate lunch at Lucy's before beginning our shopping.

It appears there was a big storm recently on the island. Tree branches were down everywhere even in the river. There was a huge uprooted tree that fell right on the playground.

After a little shopping and lots of money spent it was time to head back to the hotel. I was very proud of Zachary. He hailed us a taxi and paid for it himself. My boy is growing up!

The rest of the night we stayed in the room except for a short visit to the playground on the 4th floor.

Today was the day we got the boys to wear different shoes. Until today they would only wear the ones they were wearing when we got them. One of the shopkeepers on the island was able to get Jacob interested in a pair and we changed Caleb's while he was sleeping. Today they both seem happy with their new squeaky shoes.

First photo is their old shoes, second is their new squeaky shoes. All the other photos are on my camera so I will post them later.

Monday, May 20, 2013

Monday, May 20.

This morning the boys had their medical appointment. Everything went smoothly. If a child is over 2 they have to take a blood test for TB. This has changed since last year. When we brought Alyssa home it was the skin prick. You can not go back with them for the skin test. Our facilitator called it the magic room. Your child goes in happy and comes out sad. It wasn't too bad.

Afterwards we were dropped back at the hotel. Elvin, our facilitator, and I had to complete the paperwork for our Consulate Appointment on Thursday. It took about an hour.

Zachary was determined to find the Trust Mart/Walmart so off we went. It was rea pretty easy walk with only one turn. Not as big as the ones before but still very interesting.

After looking around awhile we headed to the checkout. When I went to pay my wallet was gone. I knew the last time I had seen it was in the van that morning. I remained calm but was very eager to get back to the hotel and look for it. Debi paid for my groceries and back to the room we went.

I soon discovered it was not in the room. I called Elvin and he said he would call the van service and the medical center. Within 5 minutes he called back and said the van driver found it. So very thankful! Now Elvin keeps joking with me about it.

In the evening we headed to the dinner cruise. Zachary and I went in 2007 but I couldn't remember much about it. There had been many thunderstorms in the afternoon so there weren't many people on the boat. Elvin said we had our own chartered boat. The food was good. I loved the dumpling soup! Been trying to get dumplings since we got here. The lights were beautiful! The boys and I didn't go on deck because it was wet and slippery. Zachary and Debi enjoyed taking photos.

A very full day here in Guangzhou. The boys and I went to bed soon after getting back to the room. It was past our bedtime. Normally we have been going to bed at 8:00. Last night it was past our bedtime, it was after 9:00.

I have taken over 1000 photos on my camera but I am still having problems keeping my computer connected to the VPN. So posts and photos are coming from my phone. Unfortunately the best photos are on my camera.

First photo is snacks at Walmart, second photo is the boys on the cruise, and the third photo is the buffet. Just added some of Zachary's photos. One is of the boys at the medical, one of the magic room aka TB room, and the rest from the cruise.

Sunday, May 19, 2013

May 19 - the Gardens, Art and Crafts Mart, Misc.

So glad to start the day with my favorite breakfast at the Garden. It is the waffle with peanut butter sauce. I have been looking forward to it for weeks.

We met our guide and another family. It was nice spending the morning with them. We went to the ______ Gardens. Have to look up its name. What a neat place. The flowers were beautiful! It reminded me of It's a Small World. Nice place to walk around.

Let me mention now the heat. This is a given no matter what day it is or where we are. When you walk out of the hotel room it hits you in the face. After just a few minutes of walking you are drenched with sweat. I have decided it affects me more than others but nonetheless it is hot.

After the Gardens we went to the Arts and Crafts Market. Not what I expected. It was a large store with porcelain, jewelry, chops, silks, etc. It seemed expensive to me so I didn't buy anything. It did score points for air condition.

We fed the boys lunch in the room and let Zachary rest a little bit. He has been feeling bad on and off for a few days. When he was ready we hit the streets again.

Our plan was to walk around and go to Tekila's for dinner. Tekilas didn't happen do to a rainstorm and poor communication between Zach and us.

The boys loved the rain and getting wet. They thought it was so funny. We stopped by McDonalds to get a happy meal for the boys and the bakery to get us a meal.

When we got back to the room I asked my adoptive Facebook friends where the good cheap Chinese places were. Someone mentioned one right across the street. So out in the rain went again. Good noodles and the boys gobbled them up.

I already love these boys so much! With this being our 4th and 5th adoption I know sometimes it takes time once you meet them. I can say all my worries and concerns before travel were unnecessary. No matter what the boys medical problems may be we can conquer it together. I would already slay dragons for my boys. That is if I were to need to slay dragons. They are going to be a wonderful addition to our family! I am already picturing Alyssa saying "Jacob I tell Mom! Caleb I tell Mom! "

Saturday, May 18, 2013

Saturday, May 18- Arriving in Guangzhou

We were picked up around 7:30 a,m. to head to the airport. When arriving at the airport boys actually walked a good ways. Zachary and I have been having to carry them everywhere.

It was not Caleb's day. He was unhappy for a good part of it. He screamed for half of the plane ride. It was 2 hours. Caleb is the tough one. He will fight to the end.

Jacob now appears to be the more calm and laid back one. He looks at you so sweet and innocent and your heart just melts.

Elvin greeted us at the airport. So glad to be in Guangzhou. As we exited the airport we were greeted by the heat. It seems to bother Zachary and I the most.

After checking in we head to McDonalds for our mid day meal. Once again real food never tasted so good. We looked around a little but Zachary and I were at a point where our backs couldn't take much more carrying of the boys. We stopped at 7 Eleven for waters and headed back to the hotel.

I let Zachary rest for about an hour and we told him we had to find strollers for tomorrow. I couldn't do it anymore. The hotel was out of the ones you can borrow.

Elvin told us about a new store Eon that just opened. So Debi, Zachary and I made the 7 minute walk. We were not coming back without strollers. It is a huge store that was very crowded, we found expensive but well worth it strollers and looked around a bit.

Zachary said it was getting dark and we needed to head back. We will go again soon to get some groceries.

We stopped at the bakery on the way back to get bread. I told Zachary he could pick out anything he wanted because he has been such a big help. He chose cheesecake. Back to the room for grits, peanut butter sandwiched, and cheesecake.

The biggest news of the day was the boys slept for the first time in the crib. It wasn't easy but they are now sound asleep. We gave them a choice of the bed or crib. The floor is just s dirty here and there isn't much floor space. Hopefully next time it will be easier.

Love the photo of my dynamic duo!

Friday, May 17, 2013

Free Day - Friday, May 17

Still wonder why we couldn't fly to Guangzhou today. We made the best of of it and went exploring. We went out twice and walked many miles.

First time out we went to breakfast and some stores. Zachary loves the little stores. We found cute little Mickey Mouse backpacks for the boys. We got them little cups too. They can't seem to use the cups I brought from home. After that we went to a park. Unfortunately we didn't see much of this park. Zachary I were exhausted at that point. The boys want to be carried all the time. Thank goodness for the two hip slings I made. At home Zachary said he wouldn't wear one. After 1 day of carrying a 34lb kid around he quickly changed his mind.

Came back to the room and fixed noodles for lunch. Caleb loves his noodles. Unsuccessfully we tried to get the boys to take a nap.

After a couple hours we decided to go out again. This time we went to the other park. Jacob fell asleep in the carrier. Zachary and Caleb went around trying out the different equipment. Zachary also brought the bubbles he bought the other day.

Jacob woke up but wasn't too in to playing so we started walking again. We passed a few neat shops where Debi and I made a purchase.

Back at the room we fixed grits and meat sticks for the boys' dinner. We just watched tv and played until bedtime.

Jacob in ways is now more willing to try new things when inside the room. Jacob will get up on the bed for a few minutes and will take off his shoes in the room. Caleb will not get on the bed and he still sleeps in his shoes.

We were told Jacob is the singer and Caleb is the dancer. We have seen both do both. They both love music!

I previously said that Jacob appeared to have more medical problems. I no longer believe that to be true. I think Jacob just shut down on us for a couple of days. Both boys mimic everything we say and talk all the time. They are going to pick up English very fast. Eating with utensils is a little more challenging but they manage to get the job done. Their walking is a little unstable but I can tell that is improving a little each day.

We are falling in love with them more and more every day. I feel bad the boys waited so long for a family but so thankful God chose us.

There are more photos of Caleb because Jacob was being held most of the time.

Thursday, May 16, 2013

Maria's Big House of Hope

What can I say this place is amazing!! This was by far one of our best days yet.

We started the day by going to breakfast. No big surprise there. The boys did better. Whatever you do don't pull out the yogurt. It is rather thin and the boys have it all over them before we leave.

Our facilitator arrived at 9:00. We were expecting a different one, we were told we would be getting a new one. We didn't but that's okay.

After a two hour drive to Louyang we arrived at Maria's Big House of Hope. We were greeted by who else but Maria. She is a nurse there. I am assuming from the US but I don't think I asked.

Maria gave us the history of MBHOH. Then she gave us the tour. We were able to see all floors except the 2nd floor. These kids are so well taken care of. We went into many of the rooms and were able to talk to see the children. I would have loved to hug and hold each one of them. I couldn't because I was holding Jacob.

Today Maria was my angel. Just talking to her and spending the hour at MBHOH made the rest of our time here seem bearable.

If you are close definitely go visit. It is well worth the time. Be prepared you will want to do more after you go. The faces of these little ones will forever be embedded in my mind.

After our tour, Maria gave our facilitator directions to McDonalds and told her to order us big drinks with lots of ice. It was delicious. First real meal(except for breakfast) we have had all week. Zachary and I had double cheeseburgers and Debi had a filet of fish. The boys had chicken nuggets. The best part of the meal was my large Sprite with ice and I don't even like Sprite.

The facilitator said for us to meet her at 1:30. We were in a great shopping area so we took this time to explore. Zachary was very eager to go to the Nike and Adidas store. No deals but always interesting to look. Next we went to the mall. It was just neat looking around.

We are now on our way back to Zhengzhou. The boys including Zachary are fast asleep. What a great day! Today I could feel God's presence in the little things. Maria truly was a godsend! Just another reason to love Show Hope. Not only did they give my babies excellent care but they also were a beacon of light when I needed it most.

In the evening our travel service came by to deliver the boys' passports. Our work here is done. Why we have to stay until Saturday is beyond me. They also brought us a gift apologizing for our problems. It is 4 jars of cookies.

The boys are really starting to come out of their shell. Tonight they were laughing, giggling, and singing when trying to go to bed.

Had to throw in the squatty potty picture. A blog to China would not be complete without one. I didn't attempt to use it, a photo is good enough for me.0

Wednesday, May 15, 2013

Zachary's Blog

Forgot to share Zachary's blog. If you have a second please make a comment. He gets so excited about it.

Sorry I don't know how to make it a link from my phone.

Wednesday- Free Day

Jacob and Caleb woke up all smiles so I thought they had turned the corner. I was wrong. Jacob had a really rough morning.

We went exploring. After getting inaccurate directions in the hotel lobby we headed to the park. We soon figured out the directions were wrong and went our own way. Fortunately we still made it there.

Zachary and Caleb had fun when we arrived. Tried to get the boys to eat some ice cream but they weren't interested. Debi, Zachary, and I enjoyed the nutty buddy like ice cream instead.

Caleb appears to be the dominant twin. He is having a much easier time.
He can be very funny. His trick is he can blow his nose by holding his nose closed. Glad Zachary got to deal with that one. Caleb is our eater. He is more willing to try new things and eats a lot!

Jacob is having a much more difficult time. When he is upset he wants to be held and you have to be standing up. Which has been pretty much the whole time. Until last night we haven 't seen much of who he really is. I have a feeling he was more attached to his caregivers than Caleb.

Right before dinner Jacob's attitude started to change. He ate a lot for dinner and his playful side came out. We decided to give the boys a bath . Before the boys have been too upset. We were pleasantly surprised. They both loved it. Caleb was ready to get out first but they both had fun.

After their baths the boys really started opening up. They explored the room for the first time and were even venturing over to other room. They played with toys they had previously rejected. Caleb gave me a kiss on the check. They were playing with Aunt Debi too. She introduced a comb to them and they thought it was the best toy ever.

They still will only sleep on the floor. Jacob will let Zachary play with him on the bed until Caleb makes him get off. It will come with time.

I have no rants today. Just praising God for the glimpses of what is yet to come. These boys are going to bless our lives in more ways than we can possibly imagine.

If you wonder why I blog so much it is because I sleep very little when we are in China. Third time here and it has been the same every time. It also helps me process the day.

Have some great photos just can't get them on my IPhone to post. Still can't get the VPN to work on my computer.

Here are a few from my phone . You may wonder why Zachary is in a crib . He is trying to convince his brothers it is a cool place to be.

Tuesday, May 14, 2013

Civil Affairs Office, Show Hope, and Passport Office

Once again we started off the day with breakfast. The boys did okay. Much better than I had anticipated. For that I am thankful.

Jacob is kind of out of it today. Yesterday definitely took a toll on him. Caleb is a little tired but not like Jacob.

Surprisingly they did not cry when we got in the van. They are doing so much better

Once meeting our guide we went to the Civil Affairs Office. More paperwork and an official ceremony. The boys are officially Braxtons.

We are now driving to Jiaozuo. We are going to the passport office and we hope the orphanage. Our guides' English is so poor we really don't know. The other day I told her we needed to go to the store for the boys for food and she said "snakes?" Then she started talking about baby cakes. She eventually got it but not without some work.

It is 3:30 and we are on our way back from Jiaozuo. Now I am just mad. Mad at our agency, mad at the travel service and facilitators we have to use in China, mad at our facilitator, and mad at the lady in the purple sweater from the orphanage.
Just keeping it real. There is no reason it should be like this. It is stressful enough as it is. This is our 3rd adoption from China we know how it should be.

Now that I got that out of my system on to our day. When we arrived in Jiaozuo we went to the notary. Spent a long time there. Lady in the purple sweater from orphanage was there. Boys were fine until she started talking to them. Zachary and I had to pace with them and it was hot!

Finally left there. We were asked if we wanted lunch. We said yes and then lady in purple sweater gets in the car with us. This isn't helping the boys at all. So we change our mind and say no lunch. We know the boys will scream the whole time with lady in the purple sweater there.

Go on to orphanage to New Hope/Show Hope floor. Thank goodness there is a girl from the Phillipines that speaks English. She answers some questions for us.

We are then taken to a room to rest for an 1 1/2 hrs. We don't want to rest. I think the lady in the purple sweater didn't want us there. We let the boys play with their friends and nannies.

We requested to see Donna at Eagles Wings but was told she wasn't there.

Finally time to leave. Very emotional as you can imagine. To make matters worse the lady in the purple sweater gets in the van with us.

Next stop passport office. Boys have calmed down now and everything goes smoothly. We drop the lady in the purple sweater off at bus station, boys cry a few minutes and fall asleep.

The boys did much better tonight. We got back to the room at 5:00pm or so. We had a makeshift dinner. We played and they went to sleep peacefully. Still sleeping on the floor but no issues going to sleep.

Monday, May 13, 2013

Day 3- The Boys

Our first order of business this morning was breakfast at the Crowne Plaza. Breakfast is not to be skipped. It is our one good meal a day.

Our guide met us a little before 9:00. Zachary, Yoyo, and I then preceded to play a game of Frogger. We were the frogs trying to make it across the road. After completing the first round we waited at the bank a very long time to get money. Time for a second round of Frogger. I doubt we reached a high score but survival was good enough for us.

After arriving back to the hotel we got Debi and the driver. We were headed to the Civil Affairs office to get the boys.

This was a new experience for us. The girls were both brought to the hotel. I much prefer the hotel. The Civil Affairs office was chaotic. After about 15 minutes the boys walked in. Zachary and approached them and tried to get them to play. After lots of tears, paperwork, and sweat we left.

Next stop was Walmart. We were able to get some snacks for the room. The boys cried on and off the whole time.

We were able to get the boys to eat a small snack in the room. All afternoon they cried on and off and played a little. We did venture out once for a stroll.

About 9:00 Zachary and I could hardly keep our eyes open. The boys do not like the bed! Zachary thought of laying on the floor and the getting the boys too. Thank goodness it worked.

Caleb is still sleeping, Jacob woke about 2:00 and wanted to be held. I finally got him to drink a bottle. He pointed to the crib. He is now sleeping there but is crying out occasionally.

Other thoughts: This is hard. The boys have had a more difficult time than the girls. Caleb is the stronger one. My medical concerns with Jacob are much greater. Zachary has been a trooper. I am so proud of the young man he is becoming. He has had to step in and take Dallas' place. My sister is a huge help but we don't want the boys to attach to her before bonding with us.

We can't get my computer to connect to the internet. All my posts and photos are coming from my phone. Hopefully tonight the boys will be calmer and we can figure it out.

Please pray for the boys. Their little worlds have crumbed. Everything they knew is gone. Please pray for us. We need the strength to get through all that is yet to come.