Friday, March 30, 2007

Package delivered but no news for us

At this point I have to admit I am very discouraged. It has now been almost four months. Some people have PA in a matter of days. Why is it taking so long for ours? It has now been over a month since they resent it. I know I should be happy for everybody getting their PA,LID,LOA, and TA but it is so hard. It should be us. At least if our agency would have sent our dossier we could at least be logged in but they insist it will take longer that way. I am not so sure about that. I have seen times where it didn't make a difference. I keep praying about this and I just don't understand. How do we know that they haven't lost our LOI(Letter of Intent)again? Good thing this is our last adoption because I definitely can't handle the stress again.

Next week we will be in Florida. J and I will actually be there for two weeks. Dad is having knee surgery. I hope I am busy enough that I won't think about it. Everyday it is so depressing when 8:00 p.m. arrives and there is no news. Fridays are even worse because there is no chance of news until at least Monday. So let's hope I can go a couple of weeks without thinking about it. Probably not a chance but one can always hope.

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