Sunday, April 1, 2007


KC was a a little two year old boy that was on the same adoption list as Grace. His mom is single with 2 boys from a previous marriage. I talked to her once on the phone and she was in a mad rush to finish her paperwork to bring KC home. After May 1 if a single person doesn't have their dossier logged in with China they can not adopt from there. She had recieved PA about a month ago. Well, last week she got the call noone wants to get. KC was no longer available for adoption. It was found that KC had some serious medical conditions and China was no longer letting him be adopted. The lady had no say in any of this. She would have still adopted him medical conditions and all. Her boys and her were already in love with him. Fortunately after grieving the last week she decided to go ahead with her plan of adopting. She is going with the non special needs program and will still be logged in by May 1. Her child will probably not come home for 2 years, though.

You don't want to hear of things like this happening. It is your worst nightmare. Unfortunately there are no guarantees in adoption. You have no control. Until you have been there you can't understand what adoptive parents go through. The stress is unreal and once you see that child you begin bonding with them even if it is just a picture. You start praying for them and planning for their arrival. To find out they will no longer be a part of your family is devasting. Some move on with the process some don't. With our first adoption we didn't feel completely safe until we are back on U.S. soil. At that time the adoptee becomes a U.S. citizen and you feel like noone can ever take them away from you.

This kind of put things back in perspective for me. Yes, I am very upset that we haven't recieved our PreApproval yet but at least as far as we know she is still available for us to adopt. Until we are told otherwise we will keep planning for her and look forward to the day we land on U.S. soil with her.

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