If you ever want to look forward to a Monday - Adopt. In the adoption community Mondays are always a good day. It is a new week and who knows what good news the week may bring. Mondays are always positive days. The whole week is before you and CCAA(Center of Chinese Adoption Affairs)is bound to be working hard to get these children in their families.
Now weekends are the opposite. Once a weekend arrives you know there will be no news until Monday. Weekends become the time you dread. It was the same when we were adopting from Russia. As the weekend gets closer you get a little more discouraged because of the lack of news.
So with today being Monday, I am praying for lots of good news. Not just good news for us(because I am not really expecting it for at least 20 more days)but for all those in the adoption community. I think it is difficult for people not adopting to understand what those who are adopting go through. I read so many sad stories of people struggling to raise enough money to get their child home. The not knowing is really difficult,too, especially once you have seen a photo of your child. Nothing is in your control once the paperwork is turned in to CCAA. Of course nothing in life is really in your control any way. God is in control.
Well, enough rambling for one day. Prayers are going out to all those adopting. I am hoping the groups will be full of great news.
I am praying too. not only for us, but for the other families and the children involved. We should also pray for those children we saw last night on the list that haven't been connected with their new family yet. and i guess the families that are thinking about them also.