Sunday, November 16, 2008

What Can I Say

Lots going on around here lately. Computer problems are one of the reasons I haven't posted lately. I just get so frustrated with my computer I don't stay on long.

What's new in the household? Grace has had hearing aides for about 2 months now and still haven't posted. She spent a half a day at UNC hospital to see the Cranofacial team. It consists of about 8 doctors who look at Grace and decide if anything needs to be done. It was agreed that we should wait until next year to see if Grace has progressed in speech before any additional surgeries are done.

Julia saw a specialist at UNC Developmental Center. She thinks Julia is progressing and will reevaluate in 6 months. She thinks we need to not think about Julia's age and just try to keep her up with Kindergarten. We feel they are missing something but time will tell.

Kristopher is still driving us nuts but I think we finally had a break through. How do you communicate with a 16 year old that is not responsive? I will be checking out the christian book store this week. I guess we should just be thankful he loves going to church, youth, and stays out of trouble.

Nicholas and Zachary are both doing well. Nicholas is becoming way too obsessed with sports. Reminds me of someone else in the family. Zachary continues to surprise us. Today, he printed and laminated Thank You cards to give people when they do something nice. We went out to lunch today and when we got back in the car Zachary surprised us with thank you cards.

I have a post I have been planning for months. Hopefully I will get it posted this week.

1 comment:

  1. Thanks for the updates! Wait and see on the girls sounds like good news! Kristopher will come around, he's chock-full of wild and crazy hormones right now, things will smooth out eventually, and it could be worse like you said. Can't wait to read the big upcoming post!
