Monday, February 27, 2012

Facing Fears

So why is it I can fly to Russia twice,be left alone for 1 1/2 weeks,bring home a new daughter, fly to China twice, and bring home a new daughter each time but I can not let my son drive with just me in the car? With my oldest who will be 20 in a month I tried it once but it was too stressful for both us. We agreed it just didn't work. To this day I have not been in the car with him when he was driving. Now my next oldest son who is 16 has his learner's permit. He had a seizure last June and couldn't drive for 6 months. In December he could start driving again and needs to make up for lost time. I have improved I will let him drive me as long as his Dad is sitting up front and I can sit in the back and close my eyes. The problem is he can try to get his license in March but he doesn't get enough driving time with Dad. Tonight on the way home from church I told him it wasn't him it was me. It is hereditary, my mom was the same way. He was trying to convince me that we can face my fears together and that together we can overcome them. Isn't that what God wants us to do? In Psalms 56:3 King David says "When I am afraid, I will trust in you". I know God is telling me I need to be more like King David and trust in him but still I struggle. Will this be the week that I put all my trust in him and let Nicholas help me overcome this fear?


  1. Kristen! I am the same way! Our boys are the same ages. (well, younger just turned 17) I thought I was the only one!!!! LOL I COMPLETELY understand.

  2. Sandi, I still haven't faced the fear yet. Maybe one of these days. To think I have 4 more to go.
