Wednesday, March 14, 2012


Ever since I was a kid I have loved getting the mail. These days it is primarily bills but my love for getting the mail out of the mailbox has not changed. Dallas and the kids know if they get the mail before I can that they are not to look at it. I am sure they don't always abide by my silly rule but I like to think they do.

Today was a great mail day!! We got the official letter stating we had been cabled. Don't really need it just nice seeing it in black and white. I got some things I ordered for Alyssa that were a great deal. There was a cookbook and soft book that I had bought to support an adoption in process. The last package was the best of them all.... a package from my secret pal.

I am in several adoption groups. I love them! Everybody is so supportive. Nobody gets it like another adoptive parent. We can vent,cry,laugh, and just be there for each other. It is awesome! Anyway one of my groups is doing a secret pal exchange. We encourage each other during the long periods of waiting by sending notes, cards, small gifts, etc.

Today my secret pal blessed me with a nice note and the cutest pajamas for Alyssa. These are perfect for our trip to China!

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