Tuesday, April 28, 2015

365 Day Photo Challenge

Day 332

My boy is growing up way too fast!

365 Project (2015)

Day 118

I am going to try to go back and use the prompt for this group.  Today the prompt is  unique.  This is a unique playground that the girls love.

Sunday, April 26, 2015

Saturday, April 25, 2015

365 Day Photo Challenge

Day 329

Once again I thought I was out of the mirror but I wasn't.

365 Project

Day 115

Not the best photo but the pickings were slim today.  I thought I had slid far enough back to get out of the mirror.  Unfortunately I wasn't.

Saturday, April 18, 2015

365 Day Photo Challenge

Day 323

Celebrating a local thrift store who was given  $2,000,000 given to Alzheimer's research.

365 Project (2015)

Day 108

The boys are waiting to see Elsa.

Friday, April 17, 2015

365 Day Photo Challenge

Day 319

Alyssa, Julia, and I went to Farm Days at NCSU.  We had lots of fun seeing all the animals.

365 Project (2015)

Day 107

Farm Days at North Carolina State University

Wednesday, April 15, 2015

365 Day Photo Challenge

Day 319

Three years ago in Nanchang, Jiangxi, China we met Alyssa for the first time. To say she changed our lives is an understatement. Everyone needs an Alyssa. When I grow up I want to be like her. Alyssa has more energy in her little finger than I do in my whole body. She loves to have a good time, is friendly to all, inquisitive and very curious about her world. Alyssa on the other hand wants to be a mermaid when she grows up. She was just asking me yesterday " What do I need to do to be a mermaid when I grow up?" I wasn't sure of the answer. If anyone knows I am sure Alyssa would be delighted.

365 Project (2015)

Day 105

Sunday, April 12, 2015

365 Project (2015)

Day 102

365 Day Photo Challenge

Day 316

We decided to go to the zoo today.  I love taking photos of all the animals.  My kids love it too because it gives them a break from posing.

Saturday, April 11, 2015

365 Day Photo Challenge

Day 315

Caleb wasn't thrilled to have his picture taken.

365 Project(2015)

Day 101

It's time to start going to the Farmer's Market again.

Thursday, April 9, 2015

365 Project (2015)

Day 99

Sometimes it is the little things in life that mean the most.  A few months ago Jacob wouldn't walk in grass. Now he is not only walking in the grass but also looking for "flowers" for daddy.  He is even touching his "flowers."

365 Day Photo Challenge

Day 313

Wednesday, April 8, 2015

365 Project (2015)

Day 98

365 Day Photo Challenge

Day 312

Gracie went for her two week followup appointment today.  The doctor said everything looks great! Only a couple more weeks of a limited diet and physical activity.