Sunday, November 18, 2007

Fall Festival Pictures and Happy Birthday, Alexa!

Today is my friend, Alexa's birthday. We have been friends for about 7 years. Her adorable son Nijel was in my preschool class. The next year she became my assistant. As the years went by we became closer and closer. We are seperated by many years but that doesn't stop us from having a great friendship. I like to think she keeps me young. I hope she has a wonderful day and I am very thankful she is my friend.

Happy Birthday, Alexa!

I know it is almost Thanksgiving but I never got around to posting these pictures. These were taken at a Fall Festival we went to a few days before Halloween. I was planning to get more pictures on Halloween but with Grace's surprise surgery that didn't happen. I will be posting some pumpkin patch pictures,too.

Baseball Belle

Mickey and Minnie Mouse

Nicholas and Belle

Cutest Minnie Mouse

1 comment:

  1. The awwwwwwww-factor is on overload in this post! HOW CUTE!

    That Baseball Belle is hilarious!!!
