Friday, November 16, 2007

Grace's Post Op Appointment

Thursday was Grace's post op appointment with Dr. Van Aalst, the plastic surgeon, and Dr. Drake, the ENT. Dr. Van Aalst said her mouth looks good, the openings in the side that occured when he closed the cleft have not healed yet but he said it takes longer in an older child. Thank goodness she no longer has to wear the No Nos(arm restraints). He asked us to donate them. He will be going to the Middle East to do cleft surgeries and takes them with him. Of course, we said yes. She can now eat soft foods such as noodles, rice, etc. No hard foods until we go back in January. Dr. Drake said her ears looked good. She does have some high frequency hearing lost but doesn't know at this time if it will cause any problems. She will be retested in 5-6 months. Now that Grace doesn't have to wear the arm restraints and can eat real food she is getting back to her old self.

We happened to be at the hospital on the day of the NC Promise telethon. It happens once a year and the money goes to the Children's Hospital. When we saw Bucky Covington(on a past American Idol)was going to perform we decided to avoid traffic and hang around the hospital a little longer. We first listened to Jason Micheal Carroll and then Bucky. Each one performed about 30 minutes. It was worth the wait.

Last picture of Grace with her No Nos

Jason Micheal Carroll

Bucky Covington and his brother

Bucky Covington

1 comment:

  1. Glad she's doing so well and feeling better! Thanks for the updates.

    I love Bucky! That's awesome! Love the pics!
