Monday, February 25, 2008

Our Church

We finally decided on a church. I would have strongly disliked it 5 years ago. To say the service is contemporary is an understatement. We all feel like it is the church God wants us to attend. The boys spent last weekend at Revolution-sort of like a retreat but they stayed in people's homes. The first night Kristopher did not want to stay the night so we agreed to pick him up. By the second night he was fine. The boys had so much fun and learned so much. Youth Quest(a group from Liberty University)led the program. We finally feel like the boys are plugged in and the girls have adjusted to the nusery.

If you would like to hear the sermon we heard Sunday go to The senior high youth pastor preached and it was a great sermon. When we miss a sermon we just download the video podcast to our zune and can watch it anytime.

1 comment:

  1. That is so cool that you can download the sermon! Wow! I'm glad you like it. Sounds like they have a really active youth program too.
