Sunday, August 26, 2007

China Tidbits

1) Dallas found what appeared to be a listening device in our hotel room in Beijing. The nightstand had a fake drawer. For some reason the top drawer came out and below it was what looked like a listening device. Didn't want to mention this while we were still in China.

2) While in China only 2 glasses and a hotel mirror got broken. We only had to pay for one glass. Two out of the three items were broken by Zachary. No surprise there.
The mirror was broken in the hotel with the listening device. Guess they weren't listening too hard or we would have been charged for it.

3) Shrimp are served with their heads still attached. Gross! Can't say any of us tried them and Zachary and I love shrimp. We all stayed away from most meats. We called them mystery meats and it wasn't worth the chance of getting sick.


  1. Weird! Especially the bug in your room!!

  2. Actually, think about crawfish. Mom and Kevin both eat those and they are served with the head still on. What would you have thought at Ron's sister's pig roast? I do understand though...I don't think I would have eaten them either.
