My Photoshop Elements 5 is missing so Dallas can't load it to my new computer. Don't want to add more pictures until I put them in that program. We will give it the weekend, I might have to take drastic measures if it is not found before Monday.
All is well. The boys are back in school. They like most of their classes. Nicholas is having a hard time getting up at 5:45 every morning but hopefully it will get easier. He has always been our child that required the most sleep.
Julia started preschool yesterday. She was so excited, she walked right in and didn't even tell me goodbye. Once reminded she did come back and give me a hug. When she came home we heard about everything Pam(her teacher) said they couldn't do. They couldn't climb the slide, they couldn't play in the kitchen, they couldn't play with blocks, etc. She met a new friend, Paige. She liked playing with Paige. This will be a great experience for her. She really needs to be around other kids and in a preschool setting. I really should have put her in last year but wanted that time with her myself.
No plans for the holiday weekend. We do have lots of cleaning to do. So maybe that will be on the list. Plus there is always baseball practice.
Grace continues to do well. She still primarily wants me. I took her to the pediatrician Monday. Wasn't real happy with him so we are trying to decide whether to let the current pediatrician run all the tests she needs or try and find a new pediatrician. I have never been thrilled with the child's practice here but they were sufficient. We were really spoiled in Florida. We had a super pediatrician that had a personal interest in all our kids. I had already considered leaving this practice upon completing Grace's adoption. So Dallas and I are discussing what we are going to do. We got some recommendiations for pediatricians in the area. It wouldn't be as convenient but we would like to have more confidence in the kids' doctors.
Hopefully new pictures will be added soon.
So looking forward to meeting Grace in person this week and seeing everyone. I definitely need a vacation. LOL
ReplyDeleteSounds like you're all getting back into the groove. Hope you find Photoshop. Glad the boys and Julia like school! So funny how Julia talked about everything they couldn't do! Hope you can find a good pediatrician, that is so important. Take care and have a great holiday!