Sunday, August 12, 2007

Our new daughter

I know everyone is waiting for a picture but I can't seem to get one to load to my blog. I will keep trying. Maybe this afternoon Dallas will be able to fix it. We have a very busy morning of paperwork and then we are going to Walmart to buy supplies.

Now to the real story. Our translator, Katherine, picked us up at the airport last night. Our plane was about an hour late. We arrived about 7:30 p.m. She said we would get the child when we arrived at the hotel. We could go to the room for 15 minutes and then go to the conference room where they were waiting. They said the other couple(Pam and Rick) would be getting their child at the same time. A few minutes later she said we would go to the conference room immediately, it was late and they were waiting. Remember we had walked all over Forbidden City in 90 degree weather. We had been hoping to freshen up just a litte. But that was not to be. We went in the conference room, Rick and Pam had already received their son and working on paperwork. ? Grace was over in a corner. Julia immediately went over to her and gave hear a doll. All was well until she saw us. She screamed and yelled at the top of her lungs. They had to take a family picture immediately. Poor child, had no clue what was going on and we had to force her to take a picture. After multiple attempts they finally got the picture. I walked ? Grace around the room trying to calm her down while Dallas did the paperwork. The ophanage director and some other ladies were there but we had no time to talk to them. We will see them today when we sign the rest of the papers. You could tell they did not want to leave our little girl crying. They finally left and ? Grace did calm down a bit. We brought her back to the room screaming. We got her to play a little bit. You could tell she was exhausted so I was able to hold her until she fell asleep. She wants nothing to do with Dallas at this time. She woke up one time during the night but I was able to get her to back to sleep quickly. She is very little but definitely is chunkier than Julia. We have yet to see a smile but are hoping as she gets used to us in the next couple of days that will come. It was not the best way to receive her. Today when she sees the familiar faces it will probably be difficult for her once again.

She, of course, is a beautiful little girl and she will adjust to our family in time. The kids played with her gently last night. If she doesn't want something she makes herself quite clear. She will shake her head or push it away with her elbow.


  1. You are so right that it takes time, but she will come to love you all, as we do. Julia may be able to make friends with her quicker that you expect. You are such a great mom that you will have her attached to your side before you come home, I'm sure. So hope you can soon get rest yourself. We would love to see pictures, but we understand the delay. No worries. Love you dear sister, Sis

  2. Kristen,
    I am so excited and happy for you!!! I too understand about the pictures. We know you will be very busy today and the days to follow. How does it feel after all this time to finally hold Grace? Oh Yeah, what did you guys decide to name her?????? Hope to talk to you soon!

  3. Oh wow, I never stopped to think how scary it must be for her. But she's got the bestest new family who will surround her with so much love. It shouldn't take her long at all to fall in love with all of you, as much as you have loved her all this time. I can't give any advice, as I've never been through anything like this and never will. But I'm so glad you created this blog so we can all share in the experience somewhat. Like Debi and Alexa said, no worries about pics. Take your time and get some rest. What a whirlwind. I can't imagine the emotional roller coaster you have all been on and the huge change for baby girl.

    I'm with Alexa... any idea on a name yet?

    Take care! I'm SO HAPPY FOR YOU!!!!

    Congratulations on your new sweet little girl!!!
