Tuesday, April 17, 2012

Tuesday, April 17

I have posted this post 3 times now. If it doesn't work this time I give up.

Today we went to the Teng Weng Pagoda. It was rainy so the photos aren't the best. Inside it was like a museum and we were able to see a show. The grounds were beautiful and peaceful.

Lily took us to lunch at a Chinese restaurant. It was delicious! We had eggplant with green beans, Chinese hamburger, shrimp fried rice, and cabbage noodles. For 7 of us it was only $20.

When we came back to the hotel we took our daily nap. For dinner we had noodles or peanut butter sandwiches. Dallas found the bakery yesterday. The bread is quite yummy! Today he may go get us a small cake to celebrate Alyssa.

Alyssa is doing awesome! She still has not grieved. We think that may happen today. She only cried once when taking a bath. She whines a little but that is when she doesn't get her way.
She absolutely loves Zachary!

We are ready to go to Guangzhou!! Three more days and we can board the plane that will take us there. We are tired of being the center of attention. They don't see many foreigners here do we are often in the spotlight. It is not fun being illiterate and having to depend on a game of charades that often is not successful. We are wishing we had told our agency we did not want to stay at this hotel but the new one that most adoptive families are using now. Not that there would have been anyone else there but the staff would speak more English. Lily said there is only one other family here this week completing an adoption. If they are American we may see them on our flight to Guangzhou.

1 comment:

  1. Praying for Alyssa as you prepare to travel to Guangzhou.
