Tuesday, October 8, 2013

Wednesday, September 25

I am so behind on posts.  The boys saw the same neurologist Nicholas sees for seizures.  Love him!

He looked at the MRIs before meeting the boys.  He was amazed when he met them and saw them in action. From their MRIs he didn't expect them to be walking, talking, etc.  He thought they were doing great especially since only being home 4 months at the time.  He said the must had been worked with at the orphanage and had some type of therapy.  Thank you Show Hope!  We left with referrals to OT, PT, ST, and a developmental  pediatrician. 

Looks like our mornings will be busy once I make all these appointments.  Been putting it off a little because of so many other appointments.

Below is a photo of my three 3 year olds on the last day of me having three 3 year olds.  


Monday, October 7, 2013

My Birthday Girl

Happy Birthday to my baby girl!  She turned 4 years old today.  What a big girl she has become.  The last 5 months have been so difficult for her with the addition of her 2 brothers that are 4 months younger. So in love with this little girl!

Tuesday, October 1, 2013

Tuesday, September 24

Last Tuesday Alyssa and the boys were screened by Project Enlightment. This organization is linked with our county school system and determines whether a child needs more testing.

Alyssa tested right on target for her age. We thought she would but our pediatrician wanted us to test her.

The boys both tested about the same and will be referred for more testing. They should qualify in every area. One of the testers had the same thoughts as us...the boys are developmentally young 2 year olds. They have made so much progress but need more help to reach their full potential.

Posting from my phone. Here are a few cute photos I took a couple of weeks ago.