Thursday, January 25, 2007

A little more Frustration

Well I now know that D is definitely right. This is the absolute last adoption for us. I can't deal with the stress. I know in the long run it is worth it but will it ever end. Still waiting to get the homestudy approved. If it isn't approved we are up a creek without a paddle since we already have the 171-H. I think I am going to take a risk and go ahead and get the documents certified tomorrow. There is still a chance I can fedex them to D.C. tomorrow afternoon as planned. That would really be a relief.

I keep telling myself it will all happen in God's time. God has already put us ahead of the game, I just need to relax and take time to smell the roses.

Wednesday, January 24, 2007

More Frustration

I thought I was frustrated last time I posted. On hindsight that wasn't frustration. Today was the frustrating day. Whatever could go wrong did. I know we will make it through it but there are always those days. Today was definitely one of them. Let's pray tomorrow is better.

Tuesday, January 23, 2007


I am so upset with myself. Yes, we are redoing the medicals. We took them to the doctor's office today. Hopefully they will done tomorrow. Hopefully there will be no problems with them I did fill them out completely and all the doctor has to do is sign. Hope he doesn't have a problem with that. Won't know until tomorrow.

Got our last 3 forms notarized today. Of course 2 out of 3 were notarized wrong. Back to the notary tomorrow. At least it is free.

We really need to get this Fedexed to D.C by Friday. We are leaving for NYC on Sunday and I won't be able to enjoy myself if we don't. This has to be to China by the week of Feb. 5. It just has to be. With things slowing down for Chinese New Year we really must get it there by then.

I know it will all happen in God's time but I am alittle impatient. It will be so nice to be done with our part.

Monday, January 22, 2007


We are in shock! We just got home from a weekend trip to Florida. Guess what was in our mailbox? We have been home 20 minutes before I even looked at the mail. I had no idea we would get it so soon. They only got our homestudy last week. We thought we had plenty of time to get the rest of documents together. Wow! We were so excited. You probably could have heard me screaming in China.

The bad news is I was looking over our medicals again. My height is listed where my weight should be and vice versa. If we have to redo that form it could hold us up a week or two. I sure hope not. I have an email into CHI to see if it matters. I had them check our medicals a few weeks ago and they didn't catch it either. Dallas and I are going to New York this weekend. I so hope we can get it all done before we go. Guess I will find out tomorrow.

Yipee! I still can't believe it!

Thursday, January 18, 2007

Nothing New

I wish there was some news but still none. Our homestudy should be finished and on the way to CIS but we don't have confirmation. Since we haven't recieved our copies of the homestudy yet who knows? Still no PA. Everyday I come home and check the messages. I am so excited when there is a message. Of course so far it is never the message that I want it to be. So more of the same....Wait, Wait, Wait.

Friday, January 12, 2007

I am officially discouraged. The LOI was sent in over a month ago. Still no PA. The homestudy was completed a week and a half ago, still no news. In our case no news is not good news. We would at least like to see a little process. Sometimes I wonder if we are really adopting again. Nothing seems to be changing. Most of the paperwork is done, we are just waiting on a couple of essential documents-the homestudy and the 171-H. We can't even expect to see the 171H until the homestudy is done. And I thought we were ahead of the game. I was wrong once again.

The up side to my day is D is planning to take me on a trip. He had planned to take me on the Tim McGraw cruise but I told him it was too expensive and too far away from the kids. I think we may go to NYC. I have always wanted to go and we could do it for a reasonable price. D's sister is willing to take care of the kids. We will probably finalize the plans this weekend.

Maybe next time there will be some news on the adoption front.

Friday, January 5, 2007

No News

No news this week. On the positive side, our homestudy is done. We should have it and all our other documents ready to be certified next week. Then we can send everything but the 171-H to be authenicated. That will leave just the 171-H. As long as our dossier is into the agency by the end of February we should be travelling this summer. That should be no problem even if the 171-H takes awhile to come back. J got her Hep A shot today. She was not a happy camper. Even the lollipop didn't stop her crying. I hope it works out so we can make this journey as a family. Until next week..................

Tuesday, January 2, 2007

Last homestudy visit

Tonight was our last homestudy visit. Glad that is over. Now where is PA. I have been on pins and needles all day. I know referrals and TA's are coming to agencies. I want our PA to be in there. Let's hope we hear something tomorrow. Our agency didn't get them today so they should get them tomorrow. Please, please, please let our PA be there.

Monday, January 1, 2007

The First Day of the New Year

Today, the first day of the new year, brings many thoughts of Grace. We know this new year will bring many blessings. The biggest blessing will be bringing Grace home.

Our thoughts today include "Where is PA?" We want this before we start decorating Grace's room. We also still can't think of a name for our precious little girl in China. We know Grace but what middle name should we choose. Should it be a Chinese middle name? We also would like to hurry up and get this homestudy done and all the paperwork. We would like to have a messy house again(LOL).

Until tomorrow........