Friday, August 29, 2014

365 Day Photo Challenge

Day 90

Alyssa talking to Nicholas via Facetime.  This was the first time she had talked to him in a week.

Thursday, August 28, 2014

365 Day Photo Challenge

Day 89

Today was the first day of school for the boys.  They are in the same class as last year.  This year we are letting them go the full day.  Today went better than expected.  These were my two favorite photos.

Wednesday, August 27, 2014

Tuesday, August 26, 2014

365 Day Photo Challenge

Day 87

Nicholas' First Day of Class

Today is Nicholas' first day of classes.  He sent me a selfie before going to class.  So sweet of him. He knew his mother would love a photo!

Monday, August 25, 2014

Sunday, August 24, 2014

365 Day Photo Challenge

Day 85

So proud of Caleb.  He is officially potty trained.  No accidents for over a week.  Caleb always tells you if he needs to go  even if he is doing something fun.  We weren't sure if the boys would make the connection to be potty trained or not.  Thank goodness Caleb did!  Still working with Jacob but I think he will get there.

Saturday, August 23, 2014

365 Day Photo Challenge

Day 84  Style

365 Day Photo Challenge

Day 83

What a day we had! If someone asked who would I most like to meet I would answer without a beat Steven Curtis Chapman.  Tonight we met him.  He was so nice, sincere, and a great guy.  He talked to us, gave us hugs, and took a few photos.  Tonight was a night we will not forget.  Unfortunately the photos didn't turn out well but I am still working on them.  Here the one I am working on.  I may update it once I get it looking better.

Thursday, August 21, 2014

365 Day Photo Challenge

Day 82

Nicholas and Grace in his dorm room at ECU.  Dropping Nicholas off at college post coming soon.

Wednesday, August 20, 2014

365 Day Photo Challenge

Day 81

Kristopher's first day of his second senior year at NCSU.  He is in a 5 year program.  Kristopher is commuting this year after living 3 years in the dorm.  The cost of housing keeps increasing so we decided with the university being 30 minutes away it made more sense to commute.

Tuesday, August 19, 2014

365 Day Photo Challenge

Day 80

Two more days and we will be dropping Nicholas off at ECU.  He better check his suitcase there may be a stowaway.  Alyssa is going to miss him the most.  According to her he is the best guy ever.

Monday, August 18, 2014

Saturday, August 16, 2014

365 Day Photo Challenge

Day 77

Alyssa is going to be sad come Thursday "the best guy ever" goes to college. 

Friday, August 15, 2014

365 Day Photo Challenge

Day 76

Once again I couldn't decide whether I liked the color or b&w better.

Wednesday, August 13, 2014

365 Day Photo Challenge

Day 74 Back to School Shopping

I couldn't decide if I liked the color or b&w better.

Sunday, August 10, 2014

The Girls' First Photos

This was one of the first photos Julia took.  The composition was Grace's idea but Julia did great.

Here is one of the first photos Gracie took.

365 Day Photo Challenge

Day 71  Art

The girls are learning the art of photography with an old point and shoot camera we found.

Wednesday, August 6, 2014

365 Day Photo Challenge

Day 67  Grateful for

I am very grateful for a 22 year old son that will still go to the park with his mom and help with the littles.

Monday, August 4, 2014

Gracie's Cranofacial Visit

Another year has gone by so it was time for Gracie's yearly Cranofacial clinic.  On July 29 we headed to UNC.  We were very disappointed to learn that our  favorite surgeon is leaving UNC.  He has been with Gracie since her very first surgery.  We will definitely miss him.

The clinic changed things this year to improve the wait and flow of patients.  It did not help at all.  We saw five specialists in 4 hours.   One of which we did not need to see.  We are now waiting to see what they think the best course of action is for Gracie.

Below are a few photos I took while at UNC.  Unfortunately they didn't turn out very well.  Gracie looks beautiful but my focus was way off.   I still wanted to post them to remember the day.

365 Day Photo Challenge

Day 65  In the Middle

With 4 older siblings and 3 younger siblings Gracie is in the middle.

Decided to add a photo of Julia too because she is also in the middle. 

Sunday, August 3, 2014

365 Day Photo Challenge

Day 64 "S" is for ...  Shoes.

Alyssa absolutely loves these shoes.  They are her church shoes, her play shoes, and her go anywhere shoes.

Took this photo today too and decided I really like it.

Saturday, August 2, 2014

365 Day Photo Challenge

Day 63

After 3 straight days of rain this is what happens at our house.  I think I need to invest in some boys' dress up clothes.