Thursday, April 24, 2008

No Surgery for Grace

Grace had an appointment with the speech therapist and plastic surgeon today. They both agree that we need to get Grace 6 months of speech therapy before deciding if she needs surgery. The speech therapist isn't concerned as much about the small hole along her gumline as he is about her palate being too short. Hopefully with speech therapy she will learn to compensate for her short palate. They will recheck her in 6 months.

Now, the big news......We can try and get Grace to drink with a straw. No more nuby cups with cuts in them so Grace doesn't have to suck. No more leaky cups spilling milk and water everywhere.

1 comment:

  1. Yay! That's great news!

    I know from experience, speech therapy can do wonders! It's so great that y'all are taking care of her and doing so much to help her. I'm sure she wouldn't be getting so much excellent medical care in China. It's so sad.
