Wednesday, July 9, 2008

Happy Birthday, Renee!

My very first friend is turning the same age as me today. We were destined to be friends before she was even born. My Mom met her Mom in the grocery store after I was born but before she was born. We lived in the same neighborhood until I was in
5th grade. At times many miles seperated us but we have always remained friends. The last couple of months have been really tough for her. Her grandmother passed away on May 21 and her grandfather joined her last month. She was very close to both of them. My heart goes out to her and her family. I hope she can find some way to enjoy the day.

It seems like just yesterday that Renee and I were running around the neighborhood following our brothers. Oh,the fun we had... Neighborhood kickball,riding in the canoe after lots of rain, spotlight,playing in the sandbox,catching ladybugs and lightning bugs, and so much more. I wish my children had a childhood like I did. Neighborhoods aren't like they used to be. Great memories with a great friend!

Happy Birthday, Renee!

1 comment:

  1. Happy Birthday Renee!!! I'm so sorry you've had such a rough time lately. It's horrible when you lose grandparents you've been close with. I hope you had some fun for your special day!

    I loved hearing all those memories. We lived in an adjacent neighborhood and I remember... kickball in the street, cartoon tag, freeze tag, making up dances in the driveway, putting on plays in the neighbor's garage, the nasty boys down the street, the horrible brat next door, and the AWESOME BEULAH COLTS!!! WOO HOOOOOO!!!
