Monday, July 7, 2008

Happy Birthday to Julia!

My oldest daughter turned 6, today. This is her 4th birthday in the U.S. I don't like to even think about what her life would have been like if God hadn't led us to her. She is such a funny little girl.

Last night we celebrated with my family. I have never seen such a large princess cake. When I ordered it by phone I had no idea what I was ordering. Needless to say Julia loved it.

While I am visiting my parents today, Dallas took the kids to putt-putt.

Tonight we are going to Burger King for dinner. Julia's choice not ours. She loves the playground there. My friend Alexa and Nijel are meeting us there. Julia doesn't know it but when we go back to our condo we are going to have a Hannah Montana cake. She loves Hanana Montana and all she wants for her birthday is a Hannah Montana doll. I wonder if she will get it.


  1. OMG! 6 where did the years go. Happy Birthday Princess Julia. Wow that is some cake. Wish I was there to lick the icing.

  2. Wow, she's such a big girl now! I love that princess cake for the little Russian princess! Yum!! Happy Birthday!
