Saturday, March 16, 2013

Very Possible Change of Plans

That I800 form is haunting me.  I do believe it is going to rejected at the lockbox.  This wouldn't be that big of a deal but it can take weeks before you even know it is rejected.  We can't resubmit the form until we know it has been rejected.  Our only chance is if they push the application through but send the money back.  We owe the money and it is the correct amount but they may think otherwise.  Even this will slow down our process but not near as much.  Everyone else who had an application that reached the lockbox and sent in the text notification form has received their text.  We have not.  Not a good sign at all.

Thank goodness we received our LOA so quickly.  I am already sick to my stomach thinking about this.  If it had happened later it would have been much worse because it could have ruined any chance of travel during the summer.

So we wait....

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