Monday, April 15, 2013

Alyssa Day

A year ago today we met Alyssa in person for the very first time.  I still remember opening our hotel room and this unhappy little girl walking into our room.  She did not cry or make any noise.  She just stood there.  We talked to the orphanage director and his wife for about 15 minutes.  Alyssa just stood still while we tried to engage her with toys.

To be honest my first impression was laced with fear.  Alyssa  couldn't stop scratching herself, she held one arm differently, and her head was very odd shaped.  I knew I would love her no matter what but I was concerned of what the future might hold for her.

Alyssa never cried that night, the next day or the next.  She did begin to smile that first evening she came to us.  The first time she cried was when we were leaving her foster family after visiting them a couple of hours.  After about 30 minutes she stopped.  Alyssa never looked back.

Alyssa is a happy child.  She still goes to bed with a smile and wakes up with a smile.  She can entertain herself for hours.  Alyssa loves life.  While in China the other families kept teasing us that we were going to have a loud house with Alyssa's arrival.  They were pretty much right.  Alyssa is loud but a happy loud.  She is always talking and singing.  From the time she wakes up until the time she goes to bed she is a busy little girl...our energizer bunny.

We go to church on Saturday nights and Alyssa refers to the nursery as school.  She loves school!  The teacher said just last week that she loves when Alyssa is there.  Alyssa truly is a fun child you can't but help to love her.

As for my initial fears, they were unfounded. I think Alyssa's behavior was due to living in a foster home where she wasn't able to play on the floor and she always wore 5 layers of clothes so she couldn't move around.  As for her head the doctor said he thought it was due to laying in her crib for too long.  Now that her hair is longer you can't even tell.

Alyssa's favorite toys are Little People, Mickey Mouse, Kai-Lan and Cars.  Her Little People are probably her absolute favorite.  Our family room has been invaded by them.  They are often having conversations with each other.  All voices done by Alyssa.

I thank God everyday for this child!  She brings so much joy to our family.  We had no idea what we were missing.  I am so glad we trusted God and followed his plan for our family and Alyssa.

Dallas wanted to write something to so here is Dad's perspective:

I can't imagine my life without God's precious Alyssa as part of it. As I can't imagine my life without any of the children God has blessed and entrusted us with. While I also can't imagine life with two more here in the next few months, in a couple more months I won't be able to imagine life without two more. God is truly good!

                                           Alyssa with her siblings her first morning with us
Alyssa the first time we saw her and after she had been home 6 months.
March 2013 Alyssa bowling for the first time
Alyssa today- 4/15/2013

1 comment:

  1. Wow- so hard to believe it has been a year! She has grown and changed so much!! I love hearing how full of life she is- reminds me of my oldest! Excited to see Alyssa be a big sister soon!!
