Monday, May 20, 2013

Monday, May 20.

This morning the boys had their medical appointment. Everything went smoothly. If a child is over 2 they have to take a blood test for TB. This has changed since last year. When we brought Alyssa home it was the skin prick. You can not go back with them for the skin test. Our facilitator called it the magic room. Your child goes in happy and comes out sad. It wasn't too bad.

Afterwards we were dropped back at the hotel. Elvin, our facilitator, and I had to complete the paperwork for our Consulate Appointment on Thursday. It took about an hour.

Zachary was determined to find the Trust Mart/Walmart so off we went. It was rea pretty easy walk with only one turn. Not as big as the ones before but still very interesting.

After looking around awhile we headed to the checkout. When I went to pay my wallet was gone. I knew the last time I had seen it was in the van that morning. I remained calm but was very eager to get back to the hotel and look for it. Debi paid for my groceries and back to the room we went.

I soon discovered it was not in the room. I called Elvin and he said he would call the van service and the medical center. Within 5 minutes he called back and said the van driver found it. So very thankful! Now Elvin keeps joking with me about it.

In the evening we headed to the dinner cruise. Zachary and I went in 2007 but I couldn't remember much about it. There had been many thunderstorms in the afternoon so there weren't many people on the boat. Elvin said we had our own chartered boat. The food was good. I loved the dumpling soup! Been trying to get dumplings since we got here. The lights were beautiful! The boys and I didn't go on deck because it was wet and slippery. Zachary and Debi enjoyed taking photos.

A very full day here in Guangzhou. The boys and I went to bed soon after getting back to the room. It was past our bedtime. Normally we have been going to bed at 8:00. Last night it was past our bedtime, it was after 9:00.

I have taken over 1000 photos on my camera but I am still having problems keeping my computer connected to the VPN. So posts and photos are coming from my phone. Unfortunately the best photos are on my camera.

First photo is snacks at Walmart, second photo is the boys on the cruise, and the third photo is the buffet. Just added some of Zachary's photos. One is of the boys at the medical, one of the magic room aka TB room, and the rest from the cruise.


  1. Glad to hear that the medical appt. went well and so thankful you found your wallet. Send me some notes on where all these places are if you have time. Enjoy the rest of your trip.

  2. What a day! Interested to see the difference in the medical appt- Reid is used to getting poked so this won't be anything new to him. We didn't get to do the cruise last time due to bad weather. Hoping to this time. Glad you found your wallet!!!
