Tuesday, August 14, 2007

Daily 4:30 a.m. post

I was sure I would be able to sleep past 4:30 a.m. this morning. It is just not to be. I even stayed up until 9:30 last night. It is nice to have the quiet time but it would be nice to sleep later too.

Grace is doing extremely well. She is bonding more and more with me. Zachary is a close second. She still doesn't like Dallas to hold her. I have heard not to worry too much about that while in China. Just get through your time here and work on that once you get home. So that is our plan. She really is a sweet little girl. She is laughing more. She,like Julia, has some funny expressions and lets you know what she wants or doesn't want. She is eating very well. She loves bananas,eggs,noodles, bread, and french fries. She discovered ketchup last night and loved it. We still have not been able to get a good look at her cleft palate. I believe there is a pretty large opening but can't see for sure. It appears she has at least one rotten tooth, too. A.J.(Pam and Rick's son)does,too so this must be common for cleft palate kids.

Julia still isn't sure about having a little sister. She loves playing with Grace but doesn't like that Grace gets more of Mom's attention. She is being more active and testing her boundaries. Perfectly normal but can be exhausting at times. I believe in time they will be best friends.

The boys are all doing well. Nicholas had his stomach issues yesterday. He was much better by dinner time. He has problems at home about once a month so we weren't too concerned. He just has a very sensitive stomach.

Our snacks and medicines have been very useful. Lunch usually consists of slim jims,nabs,and chips. The breakfast buffet is pretty good here and is included with oru room. Last night we ate at the hotel restaurant and it was good, too. It is a western restaurant. Dallas still wants to try Pizza Hut and KFC one night, too.

I will try and post some pictures from The Summerplace and The Forbidden City. I never did get around to posting them. I may post some more of our Amazing Grace, too.

1 comment:

  1. What a great family...so glad things are going much better...rest...western food...bonding...all sounds good...so love the pics and checking to see what you've written for the day...much love to all..Sis
