Thursday, August 16, 2007

Thusday Morning

Today, our journey began at a Musuem. I believe it was a musuem of the history of Fujian-the province we are staying in. The reason I saw I believe is sometimes you just don't get the whole story through translation. If you ask the boys one thing about the musuem they remember it would be the tombs. There was a male and female body in water and I would assume preservatives in a glass box. We believe there were real bodies thousands of years old. I will have to ask Dallas if he understood who they were. Behind them were their wooden tombs. These tours are kind of funny. They are interesting but you can't quite follow everything. Some is due to the translation and some because it is so hard to grasp a different culture.

After the musuem we went to the Art Market. It is not at all what you would think an Art Market would be. It was a 3 story mall. The stores are very tiny. We don't wonder around we just go where our guide leads us. Katherine(our guide)says that it is where small time vendors come to buy things in dozens to sell at their small shops. Don't see how their shops could be any smaller. Guess she is talking about quanity not size of shop. Anyway, there is a special rock that can only be found in this province. I will have to look up the name once we are home. Once again, the translation is lost on me. We were able to get all the kids rocks carved with heads of their year. Like Kristopher's is a monkey, he was born in the year of the monkey. Grace's is a rooster so at the top of her rock is a rooster. Then, the boys saw the man hand carve their Chinese names on the bottom. It can now be used as a stamp. She said he was the only one in the art market that is able to carve his own stones. It was pretty fascinating. Next to the jewelry store. Of course we pass ten jewelry stores before getting to the one we are going to. There I was able to get some jade necklaces, glass bracelets for Julia and Grace(Grace already broke hers),and a necklace for me that I love. Then on to a special wood store. This wood is only made in Fujian province. I purchased 2 small combs for the girls. We were concerned we were going to run out of money before our next stop and the boys would never forgive me if I let that happen. We had more at the hotel but Katherine said not to carry too much with us.

Walmart would be the next stop. Debi,you would love this Walmart unless you are looking for clothes. The selection is not good and the two of us would not find anything to fit us in China much less Walmart. Are you ready for the boys' purchases? They are so excited and had been talking about it for days. Nicholas and Zachary(thanks to friends and relatives)had some spending money of their own. They bought fold up bicycles. I have to admit they are very cool. Here they are about 40.00. In U.S. they are over 350.00. What a deal! Of course now our amount of luggage increases greatly but it is so worth it. They will be great for the park or going to Florida. Katherine found us some tote bags that they would fit in and I am going to wrap them with clothes. Hopefully they won't get banged up too much. That reminds me, I need to figure out how to make more luggage tags. Dallas was leary about letting them get these bikes but to me it is the coolest souvenir ever. Why get a bunch of trinkets when you can have something so neat. Here everybody is riding them.

Our last stop of the day was lunch. We were going to take our guide and driver to Pizza Hut but after our expenditures we were alittle low on cash. I don't think Bob wanted to go to Pizza Hut anyway. He said parking was not good there. Bob doesn't speak English so we know this by translation. So off to McDonald's we go. Unfortunately by this time my camera is dead so no pictures of the cool McDonalds. It was two story with a very small playground on the second floor. Basically a little kiddie slide on a foam mat. Grace loved it! Lesson learned-don't walk on foam mat with shoes on. McDonalds' employees get very upset. Bob and I were waiting for Katherine and Dallas to bring our food up. The girl first got on Nicholas and I. We stepped off, then she started on Grace. Grace gets upset when I take her shoes off. Bob told her something and she left us alone. Julia loves Bob. She even ate lunch with him. Food was good. McDonalds is McDonalds in any language. Funny thing is that they have a picture menu. Of course us Americans use the picture menu,well the Chinese do too. I guess the food names don't translate well. As we are leaving McDonalds Bob backs up in to a person. I guess they were O.K. because both parties went on as if nothing had happened. The driving really is crazy here.

Believe it or not at this point in the day it is only 12:15p.m. You get alot accomplished in a little time here. We had almost arrived at the hotel when we saw an accident. It must have just happened. There was a lady lying on the road still on her moped. A car was sitting behind her. There were a lot of people standing around but aren't sure that anyone was really helping her. I don't know what happens here when there is an accident. I hope help was on the way because she didn't look good. She was pretty immobile. Someone in the car said it looked she had a broken arm. Katherine said please don't go past this gate when entering the hotel area. Walking, bike riding, and driving here is unexplainable. It is one of things you don't understand unless you see it for yourself. Crazy doesn't even begin to accurately describe it.

Grace is taking a nap. She has done much better today. She is becoming quite the character. I am sure Julia and her are going to keep me very busy. Grace is still very much a Mama's girl. She has been laughing and giggling at the boys and Julia alot today. I know I have said this before but this girl can eat. She is going to give Zachary a run for his money.

Well, guess that is enough for now. The boys and Dallas are at the pool and I have begun packing. We are hoping Pam and Rick may want to meet for one last dinner, tonight. They go off with their guide in the morning, too, so we don't see them until the afternoon. We are glad they are on our flight to Guangzhou. Now if I could just find someone taking the train to Hong Kong with us.

I will post some pictures later. My camera battery is still charging.


  1. OMG! I am so jealous. Your pictures, few that they are,hint hint, are great! You must be exhausted and delighted at the same time. Have a safe journey home.

  2. WOW! What great experiences and so glad all is going well. So many memories for all of you. Sounds like Grace is beginning to feel like part of the family. I think all of the kids will be close to her after this experience together. Still can't wait to see you all and know that you are safely home. LOL, Sis
